Please forgive the layout, design, and lack of content. We re trying to get the website back online as quickly as possible and will spend time later making it look nice.

“…you engineers have the vital job of paving the way for the air cover to back us up all the way to Berlin. Each base you build will be a stepping stone toward victory because the faster you move and work, the faster ‘the air’ moves and gets at the enemy — up close where it counts..”
“I should say that the Aviation Engineers, along with the Combat Engineers, were among the most important people we had in the European War.”
General Dwight Eisenhower
Talk to 925th Engineer Aviation Group
Fort Richardson, Alaska
July 30, 1947
It is with great sadness that we must report the death of three of this site’s greatest supporters.
Sandy Conti was a member of the 834th EAB and was a major supporter of this project. Sandy was always ready to share both his time and knowledge to this site and many people searching for information on both the 834th EAB and the IX Engineer Command. He wrote many articles for the 9th Air Force Association newsletter about the aviation engineers in the European theatre. Above all this, he was a close personal friend. This project has suffered a great loss. Sandy passed away on 29 January 2008.
Another member of the 834th EAB passed away in May of 2007. Andrew Hertz was another man generous with his knowledge and time. Andy authored what we believe is one of the best unit histories published after the war, Thus We Served. Andy spent many hours recounting the experiences of the men of the Command and helped identify places and men contained in hours of film footage about the Command’s activities.
We also learned of the passing of Henry Jenovi on 2 December 2007. Henry was a member of the 922nd EAR and actively attended the unit’s reunions. We had the chance to meet him about 10 years ago and am lucky to have counted him among our friends.
To paraphrase an old Scot’s toast …
Here’s to them.
Who’s like them?
Damn few.
More’s the pity
This site is dedicated to the men of the IX Engineer Command who built and maintained airfields in England and on the European continent in support of the Allied forces during World War II.
As we build this site, we will include the history of the Command and of its constituent units. We will also strive to tell the stories of the men of the IX Engineer Command through both words and photos.
If you are a veteran of the IX Engineer Command, were an aviation engineer, or simply have an interest in these brave men, please contact me and join in the process of telling this story.